Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Top Four Things That Have Grinded My Gears This Weekend

Dive Bars.  Chicago is full of them and they're all identical.  Dive bars, please at least ATTEMPT to distinguish yourselves.

Guys who say "You look good bro" when one is primping in front of the mirror.  Don't tell me what I already know.

Bums.  Don't ask me for a cigarette, they're ten dollars a pack here.

Bitchy gays.  I know you think your shit don't stink, but when you're getting pummeled in the ass and you have an accident, it probably does.  Just remember that when you're riding your high horse.

1 comment:

  1. The reason people say "You look good,bro," is because we know if we tell you anything is a notch below perfect you will undoubtedly spend at least another 90 minutes fixing your hair/shirt/pants/medic alert bracelets, and we won't get to the bar until 12 minutes before last call.
