Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to Make a Blog Popular and Lose a Friend

The following is taken verbatim from a recent conversation with my friend B, over her immense excitement and joy at the creation of this fine blog.  Courtesy of my iPhone and the miracle that is text messaging:

Me:  Be scared.  I just started blogging about my life.  How exactly do you make a blog popular?  One with lots of sarcasm, a decent and at least R-rated level of profanity, stories of drinking and sex, making fun of people, and other white gay boy problems?

B:  Oh God Brant, I'm so frightened.  I may have to dissaccociate with you, at least on the Internet.

Me:  Watch it, or I'll dedicate a post to what my scandalous friend, let's call her B, did on a __________ last weekend [edited, so that the threats below remain idle].

B:  You know I would actually have to hire a hitman if that happened, right?

Me:  With what money exactly?  Hitmen are expensive.

B:  True and I am broke.  Guess I'll just have to rely on your good will....I'm screwed.


  1. You also need to stop advertising that you send the same text to multiple friends. As a transparently insecure homo, you should realize girls - and the occasional straight guy with a Betty White calendar on his wall - like to feel special.

  2. We've been over this. You're on the "winners" list. Get used to it.
